Shape Care gym gloves track your reps, balance, capacity, heart rate and more


Shape.Cares have created a new pair of gym gloves capable of tracking in real-time your repetitions, exercise technique, low distribution, balance, capacity, heart rate and progress, allowing you to fully concentrate on your technique.

gym gloves

Specially priced early bird pledges are now available for the creative project from roughly $166 or £123 (depending on current exchange rates), offering a considerable discount of approximately 30% off the retail price, while the Kickstarter crowd funding is under way. If the Shape Care campaign successfully raises its required pledge goal and the project completion progresses smoothly, worldwide shipping is expected to take place sometime around August 2021. To learn more about the Shape Care gym gloves project view the promotional video below.

“Research shows that over 80% of gym goers find it hard to stay systematic and motivated. Often, they set themselves unrealistic goals or follow ill fitted training plans. Smartwatches were supposed to solve these problems by monitoring progress, checking goals, and creating appropriate habits. However, they do not gather enough training data, and neither do any other popular fitness trackers. For example, when exercising with weights at the gym or at home, they leave you lacking information about ideal training volume, capacity, and technique. This is where Shape.Care, a digital training system, outstands former solutions.”

“Our gym gloves is based on professional training gloves, equipped with hi-tech sensors, that track all movements during workout and send the gathered data to the Shape.Care mobile application. The app analyzes and interprets almost every training parameter. It presents results and progress rates, but also checks the technique during exercise, providing real time tips.”

“Shape.Care is a comprehensive system to support personal training among both amateurs and professionals. Our gloves will help you exercise better, more effectively and safer! It does not matter if you work out at the gym, at home or outdoors. With Shape.Care, your workouts will take your workouts to a whole new level.”

For a complete list of all available early bird specials, stretch goals, extra media and engineering specifications for the gym gloves, jump over to the official Shape Care crowd funding campaign page by clicking the link below.

Source : Kickstarter

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