Monthly Archives: May 2021

Paving the way to good health with the right preventive care – Noise

[ad_1] Through a time when health and wellness have seized centre stage, it has become imperative to take care of both – overall physical health and mental well-being. In light of a global pandemic, individuals are seeking newer ways to work on themselves. Sustaining good health during such times requires peeking beyond conventional methods. For […]

Cognixion’s brain-monitoring headset enables fluid communication for people with severe disabilities – TechCrunch

[ad_1] Of the many frustrations of having a severe motor impairment, the difficulty of communicating must surely be among the worst. The tech world has not offered much succor to those affected by things like locked-in syndrome, ALS, and severe strokes, but startup Cognixion aims to with a novel form of brain monitoring that, combined […]
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