Novagrow superfood indoor garden – Geeky Gadgets


Novagrow 2 is a small indoor garden specifically designed to help you grow super foods all year round, providing a growing area for nutrient-dense herbs and greens. The creators of the second-generation of the Novagrow indoor garden, saying the system will help you grow edible greens that are 18 times more concentrated in vitamins then fully grown vegetables. In just 7 to 20 days you will be able to grow a wide-ranging of shooting plants all year round.

Novagrow superfood indoor garden

Backer early bird pledges are now available for the unique project from roughly $132 or £98 (depending on current exchange rates), offering a considerable discount of approximately 30% off the final retail price, while the Kickstarter crowd funding is under way. If the Novagrow 2 campaign successfully raises its required pledge goal and production progresses smoothly, worldwide shipping is expected to take place sometime around December 2021. To learn more about the Novagrow 2 indoor garden project review the promotional video below.

“Novagrow is ready to tackle its second manufacture run. We surrounded ourselves with experienced partners that have already designed and manufactured innovative home products like ours. We have everything in hand to go forward with the production at the end of the campaign.”

“Novagrow est prêt à entreprendre son deuxième cycle de fabrication de ses jardins d’intérieur. Nous nous sommes entourés de partenaires expérimentés qui ont déjà conçu et fabriqué des produits innovants comme les nôtres. Nous avons tout en main pour lancer la production dès la fin de la campagne.”

For a complete list of all available special pledges, stretch goals, extra media and technical specifications for the indoor garden, jump over to the official Novagrow 2 crowd funding campaign page by following the link below.

Source : Kickstarter

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