This is kind of a blurry picture, but I was excited about the granola bar deal!

And I was excited about this price for a 2-lb flat of strawberries!

Here’s everything I bought at Kroger for around $70.

I always have fun putting together meals based upon sales and markdowns. I used the crescent rolls, eggs, and cheese to make an egg casserole for breakfast one morning.

It turned out so yummy (if we had had sausage in it, it would have been even yummier!)

And I used the marked down tortillas, some marked down chicken, some marked down refried beans, some marked down taco seasoning, plus cheese I got on sale to make burritos.

Any guesses what I’m using these ingredients to make?

Yes, No Bake Cookies — always a crowd pleaser!

We got food from a local restaurant to celebrate Baby D’s first birthday! (We researched and asked and found out some traditions from his country of origin — one of which was tamales for birthdays!) More pictures from his birthday celebration coming in a post soon!
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