Garrnish removes harmful pesticides from your food


If organic vegetables and fruit are not available in your area you may be interested in a new pesticide purifier aptly named the Garrnish which has been designed to remove 90% of common pesticides from your fruit and vegetables. Launched via Kickstarter and thanks to over 600 backers the team has raised over 10 times its required pledge goal taking the concept into production.

“Did you know that almost all of your fruits and veggies are covered with pesticides even after you wash them? Regular washing methods just aren’t effective enough. The Garrnish Pesticide Purifier is the game-changing way to remove more than 90% of common pesticides, and a massive 99.9% of Chlorpyrifos and Dichlorvos pesticides, from your fruits and veggies. The future of clean eating is here!”

remove pesticides from your food fruit and vegetables

Pledges are now available for the recently launched project from roughly $169 or £122 (depending on current exchange rates). If the Garrnish campaign successfully raises its required pledge goal and manufacturing progresses smoothly, worldwide shipping is expected to take place sometime around September 2021. To learn more about the Garrnish pesticide purifier project watch the promotional video below.

“Electrolysis is the process that splits water molecules into (H+) and (OH-) ions, resulting in tiny microbubbles filling the basin. This electrolyzed water creates an alkaline environment, and along with the existing chlorine in your tap water, breaks the benzene ring, or the molecular structure of chemical pesticides rendering them into harmless non-toxic substances easily washed away with water.”

“Despite how convenient they seem, produce washes and sprays have been tested to be ineffective at removing pesticides. They even tend to leave residues behind, so the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends not to use them. “

For a complete list of all available backing options, stretch goals, extra media and detailed specs for the pesticide purifier, jump over to the official Garrnish crowd funding campaign page by clicking the link below.

Source : Kickstarter

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