A Peek Into This Past Week


She is pure sunshine in our lives!! I can’t even describe how much joy and laughter she brings to our home. (Need a smile today? Watch this to see one of her new tricks.)

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I was shopping at Kroger the other day and found this formula that Champ was on for months. We are so grateful he is thriving with his mama, but man do we miss his daily presence in our home!

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If you follow me on Instagram, you already know the crazy story of how I thought it had been two years since I’d gone to the dentist… and when I showed up for a routine cleaning, they said in their records that I actually hadn’t been there since 2016!!!!! Um, clearly I’m not a very good judge of time!

Needless to say, I promise all my dentist readers that I will do better about regularly going to the dentist. In fact, I already scheduled my next appointment!

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Silas enjoyed working on the Young Woodworker’s Kit club craft — it was a Candy Machine this time! (Use coupon code MSM to save 75% off your first kit, if you are interested.)

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She is obsessed with stickers right now! It’s so fun to watch her work so hard to get them off the page and then find something to go stick them onto!

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I got to meet with my friend and acquisitions editor last week about my next book. The meeting ended up being one of those really pivotal meetings — where the entire idea for my next book completely shifted! I can’t wait to tell you more about it!!

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We are so proud of this boy!! He’s making so much progress in his weekly PT — he is now rolling over really well from back to tummy and tummy to back and he’s starting to even working on reaching and scooting a little!

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And look at him sitting up! He often does really well with prop sitting when he’s on the bed and sometimes does well with it with the Boppy, too!

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I was so honored to have our foster care journey featured on the Wait No More website. I recently recorded a video interview where I share a lot of details about our foster care journey.

I talked about how we got started, why we said yes, our fears going into it, why we only foster infants right now, how it has impacted our kids, and more.

If you have any interest in foster care or our personal journey, I encourage you to watch the two videos from our interview on this page. I hope they encourage you!

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