I shared this on Instagram stories last week and people loved it. It’s a real scribbled down grocery list — just like I usually use. It’s not pretty or inspirational or color-coded or fancy, but it gets the job done and it works for me.
Sometimes, I think we try to over-complicate things or feel like we need to be menu-planning or grocery shopping or writing grocery lists like other people. If a beautifully-written list or a fancy spreadsheet or cool printable grocery list is your thing, go for it! But know that it’s also okay to keep it super simple and maybe a little sloppy — if it works for you!

I was excited to find marked down avocados and chicken this past week! I love having half an avocado on my salad every day. And, if you didn’t know: if you stick avocados in the fridge, it almost completely stops their ripening so that they last for much longer!

Our county fair had Get In Free Night if you bought 4 donation items per person to donate to a local shelter. I looked at their urgent needs list and was so excited that I had those items on hand that I had gotten on great sales paired with coupons! So we got 5 of us into the fair for free!

We used the Oat Silk in place of milk to make French Toast last week with the Everything Bread. It turned out so yummy!

I loved the Chopped salad that I got marked down. It was a new-to-me version and it was yummy! I ate it for lunch one day last week.

Our usual Kroger was completely sold out of the Snack Saks when I went shopping… which Silas was very disappointed about because he had been excited they were on sale.

But, we went to another Kroger store in a different part of town and they still had quite a few in stock. Plus, they had the Purex laundry soap, too,

The laundry soap was on sale Buy One, Get One Free — making them just $2.14 each.

This girl is so expressive and constantly brings such smiles to our faces and laughter to our home!
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