STEP CO2 air purifier hits Kickstarter


STEP is a new CO2 air purifier created by a small team of developers based in the United States offering an easy way to take control of your carbon footprint without compromise from the comfort of your own home. The HEPA air purification with carbon capture has launched via Kickstarter and is looking to raise $30,000 to make the jump from concept into production. Pledges are now available for the innovative project from roughly $170 or £125 (depending on current exchange rates), offering a considerable discount of approximately 20% off the retail price, while the Kickstarter crowd funding is under way. If the STEP campaign successfully raises its required pledge goal and manufacturing progresses smoothly, worldwide shipping is expected to take place sometime around February 2022. To learn more about the STEP CO2 air purifier project review the promotional video below.

“With growing concern of increasing annual CO2 levels, we believe that carbon capture needs to be accessible to every individual, without compromising convenience, which is why our team at Footeprint developed STEP, the world’s first Air Purifier with CO2 cleaning capabilities.”

“By combining modern air purifier technology with Direct Air Carbon Capture (DACC) methods, we are able to bring point capture systems into home and office spaces. STEP was intended for every-day individual usage, so our team created a sleek design to fit any personal desktop space while still incorporating user-practicality.”

“STEP takes advantage of a True HEPA filter and pushes the standard of clean further with carbon dioxide removal. Footeprint offers a simple and comprehensive filter refill and recycling process so every STEP user has the ability to make a effortless impact. For maximum environmental impact, we created our own version of circular economy: Distributive Collection.”

For a complete list of all available special pledges, stretch goals, extra media and full specifications for the CO2 air purifier, jump over to the official STEP crowd funding campaign page by following the link below.

Source : Kickstarter

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