A Peek Into the Last Week


This is the scene every single morning before they leave for school. And it’s the sweetest!

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She’s a little mama to him — always helping him and teaching him.

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And kissing him and hugging him and taking care of him.

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Something super exciting and special happened this past week — my dear friend, Kate, adopted sweet Gigi!!

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If you want to read more of her story, check out Kate’s post here.

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I got the privilege of getting to interview two people for upcoming episodes of The Crystal Paine Show — Ruth Chou Simons and…

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And Katie Reid. (And I realized I need to organize the cords on the podcast table!!)

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It’s Fall Ball season again! Silas had his first baseball game on Saturday. He made a travel team this year + he’s still playing on a rec team (and is going to be on his school team, too!) so there will be lots and lots of baseball in our future. And I love it! I just love getting to watch my boy do what he loves to do and is passionate about.

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We got to have Champ come visit two different days last week. These two are just the best of friends!

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Jesse turned 41. I can think of no better picture that showcases who he is than this one. He gives of himself all day long to love and serve our family and others. Watching him love on Champ and Baby D and Kierstyn is just such a beautiful, beautiful thing. He’s given up so much sleep and time what he’s wanted to do to pour into these three little ones.

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