Relocating: Do You Take Your Audi or Sell and Buy a New One? – The Unofficial Audi Blog


You’re relocating and you need to think about what to do with your car. If you’re an Audi lover and the owner of an Audi, it’s safe to say that you’re probably a little attached to your car. But are you attached enough that you’re willing to bring it with you?

When you’re not moving too far away, moving your car won’t be particularly challenging. For a long-distance move, however, relocating your car can be a little trickier. In fact, the time and cost might make you consider whether you should sell your car instead and buy a new one later. But which one is the best option?

What It Takes to Relocate Your Car

To start with, you should consider what you need to do to relocate your car. There’s the option of driving it, of course, but you might not want to make a long journey. Finding a car shipping company is another option and will get your car moved to your destination. When you’re moving an Audi, especially one that you’ve invested a lot of money into, you need to know that your car will arrive in the same condition that it left in. Check that the company will guarantee their service and cover any damage too.

Are You Attached?

When you’ve bought an Audi, you’re likely attached to it in some way. Even the biggest fan of Audi cars can recognize that it’s a material possession, and sometimes it’s time to let it go. Before deciding whether to sell or relocate your car, be honest with yourself about how attached to it you are. Are you ready to let it go, or have you perhaps had your eye on a newer model that you think would suit you better? Or are you too in love with your current car?

The Finances of Selling

Selling your car might not necessarily be the most financially sound decision, especially if you’re still paying off your Audi. In terms of depreciation, Audi actually performs pretty well compared to other cars in the luxury market. That means that you have less chance of ending up with negative equity, especially if you have a good financing plan. If you do decide to sell, you could come out of it in a fairly good financial position. You’ll be doing even better if you bought your Audi second-hand and if you’ve kept it in good condition.

Your Chance to Upgrade?

Selling your Audi could also be your chance to upgrade to a newer model. Maybe you’ve been considering the new e-Tron GT or the A8 Horch. Whatever you’re thinking of buying, there are some excellent new options on the market and more to come in the next few years, too. Selling your car before you relocate could be your chance to trade your current car in for a newer model. On the other hand, maybe you’re happy with what you’ve got.

Your Audi could come with you if you’re moving, but maybe it’s time to trade up. Give it some thought before you decide which option is best.

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